Membership pledges:
Dues are $300 for individuals. Membership dues are not a requirement to participate in the OBT sangha. Your pledges help our temple keep sharing the dharma.
Please click HERE or image below for the pledge form.
You can donate your old cars, trucks, boats, etc. to help OBT!
Special service donations (Orei):
Families and individuals may recognize special services as an opportunity to give special donations. Often unique expenses are incurred during special services.
Special gifts (Oseibo):
Traditionally families give special gifts to the temple to honor events such as birthdays, weddings, and the anniversaries of the passing of a loved one.
During the end-of-year winter season, it traditional for members to give a monetary gift to the minister and his family to express gratitude for a year of service to the temple.
Planned Giving:
This form of giving is new avenue that allows for future and sustainable funding for the temple. Please speak with a temple leader to learn more about establishing a legacy gift.
Members are welcome to attend the annual budget meeting to learn more about the financial status of the temple.
Getting Involved and Volunteering:
Volunteering is also a valuable way to give to the temple and it often provides opportunities for members to connect with each other more personally, to share perspectives and traditions. It can be as much a resource for members as it is a means of giving.
In addition to member donations the temple organizes fundraising events. These include the Spring and Fall Food Bazaars as well as Obon. Many hours over several days are required to prepare and host these events. The work of many members ensures these events are successful.
Participating on a toban is to give back to the sangha with time and good efforts. Most toban participants join a team that provides refreshments during dharma exchange following service and temple cleaning one month out of the year. There are additionally specialty tobans, these include a garden toban and flower toban.
Dana ~ Giving

How to use QR Code
1) Open QR Code reader or camera on your phone.
2) Hold your device over QR Code. a) Phone automatically will scan the code. or b) You may have to press a button to snap a picture.
3) The following screen will take you to OBT's Square Store Page.
4)Please follow the prompt .
If you would like to donate customized amount, click on the green $0.00 button and enter the amount of your choice.
Thank you!
Financial contributions are gratefully accepted.
Checks may be mailed to:
Oregon Buddhist Temple
3720 SE 34th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214