This past weekend, OBT was very honored and grateful to have welcomed Rev. Dr. Ken Tanaka and his wife, Kimie san. Rev. Tanaka gave a special seminar on Saturday, and Dharma messages for children and adults on Sunday. Rev. Tanaka is a renowned scholar and a minister, who has been and is very active in both U.S. and Japan. One of his books, Ocean, is one of the first books we recommend whenever we get the questio : Is there a good book to learn about Pureland Buddhism?
We are also very grateful for Rev. Ron Kobata, long time friends with the Tanakas, who has invited them over to Portland and Oregon Buddhist Temple! Rev. Kobata officiated this Sunday Service.
The Seminar on Saturday was titled "Self Esteem or Healthy Self: Does it Contradict the Buddhist Teaching of Non-Self".
He uses the metaphor of "pole vaulting" to explain the points. If you are curious to find out more on this, the handout of the seminar is available on his seminar page for now:
On Sunday, Rev. Kobata conducted the service, and Rev. Tanaka shared the Dharma message for children and adults.

Dharma School students got a chance to think about the difference between Greed and Need through the story of a Greedy Dog with a Bone, one of Aesop's fables.

As did the grown ups!
Rev. Tanaka encouraged us to think about what we need, and when we become too greedy. He also talked the importance of cooling down our mindset when we are driven too much with negative emotions.

We are so grateful to have had this rare and meaningful meeting with Rev. Tanaka and Kimie san at OBT - however short, it was a great time for us !! We hope to see them again!!