On Sunday, September 29th, Rev.Koyama conducted the Fall Ohigan Service at Oregon Buddhist Temple.
We chanted Amidakyo - a sutra that describes the beauty of the Pure Land, and the Virtues of the Amida as being a Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life.
Then Rev.Koyama shared the meaning of Ohigan. Ohigan “the other shore” - in comparison to Shigan (this shore). From Shigan, this shore of ignorance, anger, and greed, we cross to the other shore (Ohigan) of nirvāna and peace. It is a time to reflect on the nature of our true self.

We are very grateful for Rev.Koyama to share the Dharma messages at OBT as our supervising minister !!
The following Sunday, we did not have Sunday Service.
We had our Fall Sukiyaki Bazaar!!!
We had lots of new faces for volunteers (THANK YOU!!!!), as well as the ones who always come and work a lot (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!), and with all the delicious Sukiyaki and baked goodies, it was a great Fall Bazaar!!
Thank you to everyone - to the chair and committee, to volunteers who prepped, cooked, bussed and washed, waited, and to all of you who came. Each one of you made the event fun and successful.
In Gassho.

Upcoming Sunday, October 13th, we will have Rev. Koyama - please come and listen to Reverend share the Dharma.