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Bodhi Day Evening Service

Bodhi Day Service 2019 started at 5pm on Saturday, December 14th -- when the sky was getting dark, and outside air crisp and cold. Inside the temple, however, it was brightly lit, and was full of warm happy feelings. Bodhi Day commemorates the day that the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, experienced enlightenment sitting under the Bodhi tree. On Bodhi Days, Oregon Buddhist Temple hold an evening service to appreciate Buddha's enlightenment and teachings.

Dharma School students from Lumbini class to Dana class, all sang verses from "Bon Odori Song, written by the local musician, Cecelia Eng. They even did the hand movements from the actual choreography of the song.

After the song, two of the Dharma School students shared their artworks -- of Tan Luan and of Shinran Shonin. Thank you to Davis and Aoi for sharing the amazing artworks, thank you to Archer who explained about Shinran Shonin, and thank you to Olivia for assisting the presentation!

The theme of the Bodhi Day Service for this year was "Patience", so our Dana Class student, Mayu talked about her experience of Patience in association with making animation which is what she loves to do; and how she wants to try to apply what she learns at the temple to her daily life.

Rev.Yuki then gave the Dharma Talk on Patience. He had a little assistant throughout the talk for this service -- to demonstrate what really is important.

The service was followed by the potluck downstairs -- and was it good!!! Lots of delicious food -- from gyoza to chili, from char siu pork to inari sushi!!! OBT Sangha is so fortunate to have many great chefs!!!

There were some sing along time with Shinya and Nancy playing the guitars. Everyone lingered to chat, eat, sing and have a fun time together on Saturday night. It was a night that made you feel warm inside.


Upcoming happenings at OBT

Dec. 22 (Sun) Mochitsuki !!! No Sunday Service, but come help make Mochi with the sangha!

Dec. 29 (Sun) 10am Regular Sunday Service

Dec. 31 (Tue) 6pm New Year's Eve Service

2020 -- Happy New Year!!

Jan. 1 (Wed) 10am New Year's Day Service

Jan. 18 (Sat) 10am - 3pm Hoonko Seminar with Rev.Henry Adams (San Mateo Buddhist Temple)


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